CSRF Protection


Sukarix provides built-in CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection mechanisms to ensure the security of your forms and requests. By enabling CSRF protection, you can safeguard your application from unauthorized actions performed by malicious users.


CSRF protection is configured in the config.ini file. The following default settings enable CSRF protection and set the token expiry time:

csrf.enabled = true
csrf.expiry = 3600
  • csrf.enabled: Enables or disables CSRF protection.
  • csrf.expiry: Sets the expiry time for the CSRF token in seconds (default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour).

CSRF Token Expiry

The CSRF token has an expiry time configured in the config.ini file. If the token has expired, it will be considered invalid. Ensure your application handles token expiry by prompting the user to refresh the form or session.

Generating CSRF Token

To include a hidden CSRF token input in your forms, use the <csrf/> template directive. This directive generates a hidden input field with the CSRF token, ensuring that each form submission includes a valid token.

Example Usage

<form method="post" action="{{ @ALIASES.login }}">
    <!-- other form fields -->
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

This example shows how to include a CSRF token in a form. The <csrf/> directive automatically generates and includes the token.

Validating CSRF Token

To validate the CSRF token, use the isCsrfValid() method from the session. This method checks whether the token submitted with the form matches the token stored in the user's session.

Example Usage

if ($this->session->isCsrfValid()) {
    // Token is valid, proceed with form processing
} else {
    // Token is invalid, handle the error

This code snippet shows how to validate the CSRF token when processing a form submission. If the token is valid, you can proceed with the form processing. If the token is invalid, handle the error appropriately.

Single CSRF Token Per Session

Like many other frameworks, Sukarix handles a single CSRF token per session. This means that each user's session is associated with one unique CSRF token, which is used to validate all form submissions within that session.