
MailSender Class

The MailSender class in Sukarix is used to send emails with a predefined template. The primary method for sending emails is send(), which has the following signature:

send($template, $vars, $to, $title, $subject): bool

Method Parameters

  • $template: The name of the email template, which must be located in the /mail folder.
  • $vars: An array of variables to be used within the template.
  • $to: The recipient's email address.
  • $title: The title of the email.
  • $subject: The subject line of the email.

Usage Example

Here’s how you might use the send() method to send an email:

 * @var MailSender $mailSender
$mailSender = Injector::instance()->get('mailer');
$template = 'welcome';
$vars = ['name' => 'John Doe', 'link' => ''];
$to = '';
$title = 'Welcome to Our Service';
$subject = 'Getting Started with Our Service';

$mailSender->send($template, $vars, $to, $title, $subject);

This example sends a welcome email using the welcome template, passing in the recipient’s name and a link to be used within the email body.