CRON / Task Scheduling


TaskScheduler is an Action in Sukarix designed for task scheduling. The CLI toolbox installs it as a cron job by default, utilizing the GO\Scheduler syntax.

Default Configuration

The route-cli.ini file contains the default route for task scheduling:

; route to the main task scheduler
GET @run_job : /cli/jobs/run [cli] = Actions\Jobs\TaskScheduler->execute

Setting Up Cron

The default cron job should contain:

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/sukarix/public/index.php "/cli/jobs/run"

Defining Jobs

Each job must be defined in route-cli.ini. For example, the default log cleaning job is implemented as:

GET @logs_clean : /cli/logs/clean [cli] = Sukarix\Actions\Logs\Clean->execute

Implementing the Execute Function

The execute function should schedule tasks using the scheduler:

public function execute() {
    // Clean old sessions every 8 hours at 10 minutes after the hour
    $this->scheduler->php($this->documentRoot, null, ['/cli/sessions/clean' => ''], 'sessions-clean')
                    ->at('20 */8 * * *');

This example schedules a session cleaning task to run every 8 hours at 10 minutes past the hour, ensuring only one instance runs at a time.