Translation / i18n

Localisation Helper Class

The I18n class in Sukarix provides methods to retrieve localized strings from different translation tables. There are four types of translation tables:

  1. Labels (i18n.label)
  2. Messages (i18n.message)
  3. Errors (i18n.error)
  4. Lists (i18n.list)



Fetches a localized label.

public function lbl($key): string


Fetches a localized message.

public function msg($key): string


Fetches a localized error message.

public function err($key): string


Fetches a localized list.

public function lst($key): array

Example Usage

$i18n = Injector::instance()->get('i18n');
echo $i18n->lbl('welcome'); // Fetches the 'welcome' label
echo $i18n->msg('greeting'); // Fetches the 'greeting' message
echo $i18n->err('not_found'); // Fetches the 'not_found' error message
print_r($i18n->lst('countries')); // Fetches the 'countries' list


The locales.js file handles loading and switching of localisation data in JSON format.


  • loadLocale: Loads the locale data from a JSON file.
  • init: Initializes the locale settings and language menu.
  • initLanguageMenu: Sets up the language selection menu.
  • setLocale: Sets the current locale.
  • switchLocale: Switches to the selected locale and updates the displayed strings.
  • translaterStrings: Updates all strings in the document with localized content.
  • get: Retrieves a localized string based on type, module, and key.
  • err: Retrieves a localized error message.
  • lbl: Retrieves a localized label.
  • loc: Retrieves a localized string.
  • msg: Retrieves a localized message.
  • lst: Retrieves a localized list item.

Example Usage in locales.js

Locale.init(); // Initializes the locale settings
Locale.setLocale('en-GB'); // Sets the current locale to 'en-GB'
Locale.switchLocale('fr-FR'); // Switches to 'fr-FR' and updates the displayed strings

Routing for JSON localisation

The routing for generating JSON localisation files is defined as follows:

GET @locale: /locale/json/@locale.json = Sukarix\Actions\Core\GetLocale->execute


JSON locale data is cached whenever the translation file is updated to improve performance and reduce load times.