

Behaviours in Sukarix are traits that can be plugged into classes to extend their functionality. By convention, an init<TraitName> method should be implemented and is called immediately after the injector creates an instance of the class using the trait.

Example Behaviours

  1. LogWriter

    • Description: Enables the implementing class to write to the application logs.
    • Usage:
      class MyClass {
          use LogWriter;
          public function initLogWriter() {
              // Initialization code for LogWriter
  2. HasF3

    • Description: Injects the $f3 property into the class, providing access to the Fat-Free Framework instance.
    • Usage:
      class MyClass {
          use HasF3;
          public function initHasF3() {
              // Initialization code for HasF3

Singleton Classes

Any singleton class inheriting from Tailored will have the init<TraitName> methods called by default. This ensures that all behaviours are initialised properly without additional code.

Non-Singleton Classes

If a class does not inherit from Tailored, it must call Processor::instance()->initialize($this); in the constructor to ensure that the init<TraitName> methods are called.

Example Usage

Here’s how you might use these behaviours in a class:

class MyService {
    use LogWriter;
    use HasF3;

    public function __construct() {
        Processor::instance()->initialize($this); // Initialise traits manually

    public function logSomething() {
        $this->log->write('Logging something!');

    public function getFrameworkInstance() {
        return $this->f3;

In this example, MyService uses both the LogWriter and HasF3 traits. Since it does not extend Tailored, it explicitly calls Processor::instance()->initialize($this); in the constructor to ensure that the traits are initialised.