
Configuration Files

Sukarix is configured via .ini files by default, allowing for clear and manageable settings. The configuration load order ensures that settings can be overridden based on the environment.

Configuration Load Order

  1. Base Configuration:

    • config/classes.ini
    • config/default.ini
  2. Additional Configurations:

    • Files listed in the CONFIGS variable, e.g., smtp, notifications, upload. No need to add .ini extension.
    • config/validation.ini (loaded only when a data validation request is initiated).
  3. Environment-Specific Configuration:

    • config/config-<environment>.ini
  4. Routing and Access Control:

    • config/routes.ini
    • config/routes-<environment>.ini
    • config/access.ini or config/access-cli.ini (based on environment).

Dynamic reconfiguration

Configuration changes are automatically reloaded, meaning there is no need to restart any service.

Automatic .ini Extension Handling

When specifying additional configuration files in the CONFIGS variable, you do not need to include the .ini extension. Sukarix will automatically append .ini to the file name during the loading process. For example, if you set CONFIGS=notifications,smtp,upload, Sukarix will load config/notifications.ini, config/smtp.ini, and config/upload.ini.

Environment Overrides

Any configuration setting can be overridden in the environment-specific .ini file (config/config-<environment>.ini). This allows for tailored configurations depending on whether the application is in development, testing, or production.

Default Configuration Example

Here is an overview of the default settings found in default.ini:

  • Global Settings:

    • DEBUG: Stack trace verbosity.
    • PACKAGE: Display name in requests.
    • LOGS: Custom log location.
    • TEMP: Temporary folder for cache and compiled templates.
    • UPLOADS: Directory for file uploads.
    • UI: Paths for user interface files.
    • LOCALES: Location of language dictionaries.
    • ENCODING: Default character encoding.
    • LANGUAGE: Active language.
    • FALLBACK: Fallback language.
  • Cache and Minification:

    • CACHE: Cache configuration.
    • SEED: Cache seed.
    • MINIFY_JS and MINIFY_CSS: Toggle minification.
  • Timezone and Environment:

    • TZ: Timezone setting.
    • application.environment: Current environment.
    • log.session: Log session queries.
    • session.table: Table for session storage.
    • pagination.limit: Default pagination limit.
    • template.default: Default view to render.
    • log.keep: Log retention period.
    • Host for command-line actions.
    • Error notification channel.
  • Security:

    • csrf.enabled: Enable or disable CSRF protection.
    • csrf.expiry: CSRF token expiry time in seconds.