Error Handling


In Sukarix, error handling is managed by a global error handler that can be overridden in the Application class. The default implementation uses Tracy\Debugger for managing errors and handling fatal exceptions. The global exception handling is only active in the production environment.

Default Implementation

The Application class includes a protected method handleException() that sets up the error handler. The default implementation is capable of sending email or Zulip notifications based on the configuration of Before sending the email, it stores the exception stack trace in HTML format. It's important to note that the error stack might contain sensitive information, so sending it by default is not enabled.

Additionally, notifications for the same exception hash are sent only once every 24 hours.

Customizing Error Handling

To customize the error handling, you can override the handleException() method in your Application class:

protected function handleException(): void {
    if (Debugger::$productionMode) {
        Debugger::$onFatalError[] = function($exception) {
            // Custom fatal error handling logic