File Upload


The Receiver class in Sukarix is designed to handle file uploads efficiently. It provides methods for saving uploaded files and preparing upload directories, ensuring that your application can manage file uploads seamlessly.


To use the Receiver class, you need to configure it in the classes.ini file:

receiver = \Helpers\Receiver



This method saves the uploaded file to the specified destination. It checks the environment to decide whether to use rename or move_uploaded_file for saving the file.


This method prepares the upload directory by creating it if it does not exist. It throws a RuntimeException if the directory cannot be created.

Example Usage

To use the Receiver class for handling file uploads, you can get an instance from the Injector and use the \Web::instance()->receive method to process the uploaded files.

 * @var Receiver $receiver
$receiver = Injector::instance()->get('receiver');

\Web::instance()->receive(static function(&$file, &$formFieldName) use (&$action, &$receiver) {
    if (0 === $file['size']) {
        return false;
    $uploadDirectory = 'path/to/upload/directory';
    $destination = $uploadDirectory . '/' . $file['name'];
    return $receiver->saveUploadedFile($file, $destination);

The Receiver class ensures that file uploads are handled efficiently and securely, with proper directory preparation and file movement based on the environment. This setup allows for easy management of uploaded files in your Sukarix application.