

Sukarix builds upon the robust and lightweight foundation of the Fat-Free Framework (F3), a micro-framework known for its efficiency and simplicity. We have retained the best features of F3 where it excels, ensuring a solid, stable, and high-performance core. At the same time, we have integrated or replaced certain components with more powerful and feature-rich libraries to make Sukarix enterprise-ready. These enhancements provide additional functionality, improve scalability, and offer a more comprehensive development experience for building complex, modern PHP applications.

Feature List

Feature NameF3 NativeSukarix Replacement (Library)
Fast and clean template engineYes-
Unit testing toolkit (Web UI & CLI)YesPHPUnit Code Coverage
Database-managed sessionsYes-
Markdown-to-HTML converterYes-
Atom/RSS feed readerYes-
Image processorYes-
Geodata handlerYes-
On-the-fly Javascript/CSS compressorYesMatthias Mullie Minify
OpenID (consumer)Yes-
Custom loggerYesMonolog
Basket/Shopping cartYes-
Pingback server/consumerYes-
Unicode-aware string functionsYes-
SMTP over SSL/TLSYesF3 Mailer
Tools for communicating with other serversYes-
Data ValidationYesSukarix extends F3
ORM-F3 Cortex
ACL-F3 Access
Multi-language-F3 Multilang
Event Dispatching-F3 Events
Messages to chat platforms-Guanguans Notify
Database Migrations-Phinx
Debugging & Global Event Catching-Tracy
Cron job scheduler-peppeocchi/php-cron-scheduler
Dependency Injection-Sukarix
Inversion of Control-Sukarix
Bash tool-Sukarix (coming...)

Description of Features

  • Fast and clean template engine: Provides a lightweight and efficient templating system that allows for easy creation of dynamic web pages.
  • Unit testing toolkit (Web UI & CLI): Integrated tools for unit testing both web interfaces and command-line interfaces, ensuring comprehensive code coverage and reliability.
  • Database-managed sessions: Manages user sessions through the database, enhancing security and scalability.
  • Markdown-to-HTML converter: Converts Markdown syntax into HTML, facilitating easy content creation and management.
  • Atom/RSS feed reader: Parses and reads Atom and RSS feeds, allowing for integration with external content sources.
  • Image processor: Handles image manipulation tasks such as resizing, cropping, and format conversion.
  • Geodata handler: Manages geographical data, enabling features such as location-based services and mapping.
  • On-the-fly Javascript/CSS compressor: Minifies JavaScript and CSS files on the fly to improve page load times and performance.
  • OpenID (consumer): Supports OpenID authentication, allowing users to log in using their existing OpenID accounts.
  • Custom logger: Enhanced logging capabilities using Monolog, providing flexible and powerful logging options.
  • Basket/Shopping cart: Manages e-commerce functionalities such as shopping carts and order processing.
  • Pingback server/consumer: Implements pingback functionality for communication between blogs and websites.
  • Unicode-aware string functions: Handles string operations with full Unicode support, ensuring compatibility with multiple languages and character sets.
  • SMTP over SSL/TLS: Securely sends emails using SMTP with SSL/TLS encryption, enhancing email security.
  • Tools for communicating with other servers: Provides utilities for making HTTP requests and interacting with external APIs.
  • Data Validation: Sukarix extends F3 to validate input data, ensuring it meets specified rules and constraints before processing.
  • ORM: Uses F3 Cortex for object-relational mapping, simplifying database interactions.
  • ACL: Manages access control using F3 Access, enforcing permissions and roles.
  • Multi-language: Supports multiple languages using F3 Multilang, allowing for easy localisation of content adn routes.
  • Event Dispatching: Handles event management using F3 Events, allowing for flexible and decoupled event-driven architecture.
  • Messages to chat platforms: Sends notifications to chat platforms like Zulip and Slack using Guanguans Notify.
  • Database Migrations: Manages database schema changes using Phinx, ensuring smooth and controlled migrations.
  • Debugging & Global Event Catching: Utilizes Tracy for debugging and catching global events, providing detailed error reports and insights.
  • Cron job scheduler: Schedules and manages cron jobs using peppeocchi/php-cron-scheduler, automating repetitive tasks.
  • Dependency Injection: Facilitates dependency management using Sukarix's own DI container, promoting loose coupling and testability.
  • Inversion of Control: Implements IoC using Sukarix, ensuring modular and maintainable code.
  • Bash tool: A forthcoming feature in Sukarix for creating and managing bash scripts, enhancing CLI capabilities.