Routing and Access Control


Sukarix leverages the powerful routing and access control capabilities of the Fat-Free Framework (F3) to manage web and CLI application routes. The configuration for routing and access control is handled through routes.ini and access.ini for web applications, and routes-cli.ini and access-cli.ini for CLI applications. Additionally, multi-language routing is supported via f3-multilang.



Routing in Sukarix allows you to map URLs to specific actions in your application. This is managed through configuration files where you define patterns for web and CLI routes. Key concepts include:

  • HTTP Methods: Define the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) that the route will respond to.
  • Route Aliases: Provide named routes for easier reference.
  • Tokens: Use tokens to capture parts of the URL (e.g., /users/@id).
  • Modifiers: Use [ajax] for AJAX requests and [cli] for CLI routes.
  • Asterisk (*): Use wildcards to match any subpath.
  • Named Routes: Assign names to routes for easy referencing.
  • Rerouting: Redirect requests to different routes or actions.
  • ReST: Implement RESTful APIs using standard HTTP methods.
  • Multi-language Routing: Support multiple languages using f3-multilang.

Web Application Routing (routes.ini)

In Sukarix, routes for web applications are defined in the routes.ini file.

Example Configuration

; default route
GET      @home        : /                          = Actions\Core\Main->execute
GET      @docs        : /docs/*                    = Actions\Core\Docs->execute
POST|PUT @set_locale  : /set-locale/@locale [ajax] = Actions\Account\SetLocale->execute
DELETE   @user_delete : /users/@id                 = Actions\Users\Delete->execute


  • GET @home : / = Actions\Core\Main->execute

    • GET: The HTTP method for the route.
    • @home: The route alias.
    • /: The URL pattern for the home page.
    • = Actions\Core\Main->execute: The action and method that handle the request.
  • GET @docs : /docs/* = Actions\Core\Docs->execute

    • GET: The HTTP method for the route.
    • @docs: The route alias.
    • /docs/*: The URL pattern with a wildcard to match any subpath.
    • = Actions\Core\Docs->execute: The action and method that handle the request.
  • POST|PUT @set_locale : /set-locale/@locale [ajax] = Actions\Account\SetLocale->execute

    • POST|PUT: The HTTP methods for the route.
    • @set_locale: The route alias.
    • /set-locale/@locale: The URL pattern with a token (@locale).
    • [ajax]: Modifier indicating the route should handle AJAX requests.
    • = Actions\Account\SetLocale->execute: The action and method that handle the request.
  • DELETE @user_delete : /users/@id = Actions\Users\Delete->execute

    • DELETE: The HTTP method for the route.
    • @user_delete: The route alias.
    • /users/@id: The URL pattern with a token (@id).
    • = Actions\Users\Delete->execute: The action and method that handle the request.

CLI Application Routing (routes-cli.ini)

In Sukarix, routes for CLI applications are defined in the routes-cli.ini file.

Example Configuration

; route to the main task scheduler
GET @run_job : /cli/jobs/run       [cli] = Actions\Jobs\TaskScheduler->execute
GET @logs_clean : /cli/logs/clean     [cli] = Sukarix\Actions\Logs\Clean->execute
GET @sessions_clean : /cli/sessions/clean [cli] = Sukarix\Actions\Core\SessionsClean->execute


  • GET @run_job : /cli/jobs/run [cli] = Actions\Jobs\TaskScheduler->execute

    • GET: The HTTP method for the route.
    • @run_job: The route alias.
    • /cli/jobs/run: The URL pattern for running jobs.
    • [cli]: Modifier indicating the route is for CLI mode.
    • = Actions\Jobs\TaskScheduler->execute: The action and method that handle the request.
  • GET @logs_clean : /cli/logs/clean [cli] = Sukarix\Actions\Logs\Clean->execute

    • GET: The HTTP method for the route.
    • @logs_clean: The route alias.
    • /cli/logs/clean: The URL pattern for cleaning logs.
    • [cli]: Modifier indicating the route is for CLI mode.
    • = Sukarix\Actions\Logs\Clean->execute: The action and method that handle the request.
  • GET @sessions_clean : /cli/sessions/clean [cli] = Sukarix\Actions\Core\SessionsClean->execute

    • GET: The HTTP method for the route.
    • @sessions_clean: The route alias.
    • /cli/sessions/clean: The URL pattern for cleaning sessions.
    • [cli]: Modifier indicating the route is for CLI mode.
    • = Sukarix\Actions\Core\SessionsClean->execute: The action and method that handle the request.

Multi-language Routing

Sukarix supports multi-language routing using f3-multilang. This allows you to define routes that adapt to different languages.

Configuration Example

en = en-GB
fr = fr-FR
ar = ar-AR
es = es-ES

global = locale,/cli
  • [MULTILANG.languages]: Defines the languages and their respective locale codes.
  • [MULTILANG]: Specifies global aliases that are not localized by default.

Access Control

Access control in Sukarix is managed through access.ini and access-cli.ini files, defining policies and rules for both web and CLI applications.

Web Application Access Control (access.ini)

Sukarix uses the access.ini file to manage access control for web applications. The configuration defines policies and rules for access control using the F3-Access component.

Example Configuration

; deny all routes by default
policy = deny

; Routes allowed to all type of users
deny  *      /* = *
allow GET    @home = *
allow GET    @docs = admin,customer
allow        @set_locale = *
allow DELETE @user_delete = admin


  • policy = deny

    • Sets the default policy to deny access to all routes.
  • deny * /* = *

    • Denies access to all users for all routes by default.
  • allow GET @home = *

    • Allows access to the home route (@home) for all users.
  • allow GET @docs = admin,customer

    • Allows access to the documentation route (@docs) only for admin and customer roles.
  • allow @set_locale = *

    • Allows access to the set locale route (@set_locale) for all users.
  • allow DELETE @user_delete = admin

    • Allows access to delete user route (@user_delete) only for admin role.

CLI Application Access Control (access-cli.ini)

Sukarix uses the access-cli.ini file to manage access control for CLI applications.

Example Configuration

; allow all routes by default
policy = allow


  • policy = allow
    • Sets the default policy to allow access to all CLI routes.


For more detailed information on F3's routing and access control mechanisms, refer to the following resources: