

Deploying a Sukarix application involves several steps to ensure your code is properly set up on the production server.

Sukarix Deployment Basics

  1. Upload Your Code:

    • Transfer your application's codebase to the production server using your preferred method (e.g., FTP, SCP, or Git).
  2. Ensure is in the tools Directory:

    • Make sure the script is located in the tools directory of your application.
  3. Run the Deployment Script:

    • Execute the deployment script with the -d option:
      ./tools/ -d
    • This command performs the following actions:
      • Pulls the latest code from the Git repository.
      • Runs Composer to install dependencies.
      • Applies default permissions to the www-data user.
      • Runs database migrations.
      • Clears the application cache.