

Sukarix provides a straightforward method for authenticating users using models and session management. Below are examples and explanations on how to implement authentication and handle user verification in Sukarix.

Authenticating a User

To authenticate a user, retrieve the user model by their email, check their status and role, and verify their password. If all conditions are met, authorize the user in the session.

Example Code

$user = new UserModel();
$user = $user->getByEmail($email);
if (UserStatus::ACTIVE === $user->status && UserRole::API !== $user->role && $user->verifyPassword($password)) {

Authorizing a User

The authorizeUser method is used to authorize a user in the session. This method sets the necessary session variables to mark the user as authenticated.

Verifying API Users

In the Action class, the isApiUserVerified() method checks if a user has authenticated via the HTTP Basic Auth header. This is useful for API endpoints where HTTP Basic Authentication is preferred.

Example Usage

if ($this->isApiUserVerified()) {
    // API user is authenticated