

A central place where Fat-Free Framework (F3) stores and manages application data, including configuration settings, routing, and session information. The Hive acts as a global registry, making data accessible throughout the application.

Configuration File

Refers to any ini configuration file used to define application settings and dependencies. This file helps in managing the application's configuration in a structured and centralized manner.


Refers to action-wise micro-controllers inspired by ForkCMS. These are responsible for handling specific tasks or requests within the application, typically mapped to routes and executed to perform a particular function.


The application initialization phase where the framework, akin to the kernel in other frameworks, loads configurations, sets up the environment, and prepares the application for handling requests.


The automatically detected application environment, which can be test, development, or production. This setting can be overridden to suit specific needs during development or deployment.


A component responsible for injecting and initializing Inversion of Control (IoC) classes defined in the configuration file. It manages dependencies and ensures that required services are available throughout the application.


A component responsible for applying behaviors or traits to classes. It ensures that specific functionalities or attributes are consistently applied across relevant classes.


The class responsible for managing user sessions, including session creation, data storage, and session termination.


The global exception handling component used to manage and route errors. It supports multiple channels like Zulip and email for notifying about exceptions.

User Role

Defines the various roles within the application, such as visitor, admin, customer, or api user. These roles determine the level of access and permissions for different parts of the application.


The class responsible for injecting JavaScript and CSS assets into views, either from the action or directly within the view itself.


Refers to the F3 template view files, typically ending with .phtml, used to render the user interface.


Contains notifications to be displayed in the frontend. It manages temporary messages that inform users about the status of their actions.


The class that contains different types of messages depending on the localization settings. It supports internationalization and helps manage translations.


The class responsible for sending emails within the application. It handles email composition, configuration, and delivery.


A Cortex class with additional behaviors, used to represent and manage the application's data layer. It includes ORM features for interacting with the database.


The component responsible for sending notifications to third parties, such as Zulip, Slack, or email, ensuring that important events are communicated effectively.


The class responsible for validating data inputs within the application. It ensures that data conforms to specified rules and constraints before processing.


The Tailored class is a singleton that extends F3's \Prefab, ensuring only one instance of the class exists. It has the ability to glue trait behaviour to a class while maintaining its singleton nature and integrating it into the dependency injection registry.

Template Directive

Directives used within F3 templates to insert dynamic content, control flow, and manage template inheritance. These directives allow developers to create flexible and reusable templates for rendering views. For a detailed list and explanation of template directives, refer to the F3 Quick Reference.