

The default Sukarix application template includes locale.js, which downloads the session locale using AJAX and provides functions to access localized strings. Additionally, Common.userRole is accessible via JavaScript and is set from the session.


locale.js handles the localization of strings in your application. It downloads the session locale and provides easy access to localized strings. This ensures that your application can support multiple languages and dynamically switch between them based on the user's session.


The Common.userRole variable is set from the session and is accessible via JavaScript. This allows you to manage user roles on the client side and adjust your application's behavior based on the user's role.

Minimalistic Implementation

Sukarix provides this minimalistic implementation, giving developers the flexibility to use modern frontend frameworks as needed. You can integrate libraries and frameworks such as React, Vue, or Angular to build more complex and interactive user interfaces.

Example Usage

Accessing Localized Strings

var welcomeMessage = Locale.msg('welcome');

Using Common.userRole

if (Common.userRole === 'admin') {
    console.log('User is an admin');
} else {
    console.log('User is not an admin');