
Session Management

Session handler documentation can be found here.

By default, sessions are stored in the database but can be configured to use the cache system. This allows session data to be debuggable in non-production environments, while in production, storing sessions in cache enhances performance.

Issues with storing sessions in transactional database

Storing a session in the database can be problematic when using transactions, as the database connection is tied to that session. Rolling back or failing a transaction may result in failed updates to the session data. It's important to carefully consider this when designing your application's session management strategy.

Session Functions

The session management system includes the following functions:

  • authorizeUser: Authorizes a user and initiates their session.
  • revokeUser: Revokes a user's session and logs them out.
  • getRole: Retrieves the role of the current user.
  • isRole: Checks if the current user has a specific role.